Thank you for deleting my first comment! I will repost it each time. As a longtime sex and sexuality educator and research, this article is, not only poor journalism, but contains ample disinformation pertaining to inclusive, comprehensive sex education. This is a poor, opinionated claim, guised by stigma and sex negativity. Universal Statistics show that access and exposure to comprehensive sex education including themes such as pleasure, media literally, healthy relationships, gender and sexuality, etc. are all fundamental and intersect with violence prevention. The resources these student organizations and university provides is life changing and life saving for many, coming from a longtime worker at the RCC. I would urge you to look into the worlds leading health organization, if you’re unfamiliar, the World Health Organization, and take a peak at what their research advocates for pertaining to comprehensive sex and sexuality curricula for not only universities but high schools across the United States.

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I am so glad to see this effort. As a former provider at University Health Services on the UW-Madison campus, who was chased away because of my rationality, honesty, and, gasp, conservative thoughts, this is wonderful. Keep it up!

I'm also glad 1 story leaked out about UHS. There's a treasure trove there. Keep digging.

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For Christ’s sake these are college students (aka adults). There’s absolutely nothing wrong with discussing porn with them. Young children not so much.

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Oct 17Edited

Definitely agree with the fact that this article is extremely misleading and leaves out plenty of context and nuance. The blurred image seemingly depicting pornographic content was in fact images of people, fully-clothed, hugging/kissing. This article is back-to-back quotes with little to no analysis or commentary meant to pander to brain dead, anti-sex positive, right wingers who lose their mind at the simple mention of sex education. Is it better that people continue to view porn on their own (which we statistically know on average occurs for the first time at about age 11) and does so through free, popular avenues that glorify fetishization and downright abusive and exploitative sexual behavior? If the goal is to help minimize sexual abuse, porn is undoubtedly an essential part of the conversation.

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This article is extremely misinformed, outdated, and doesn’t understand the intersections between sexual violence prevention and healthy relationships. As a sex educator for high school students, this is a pathetic attempt at discrediting the complex world of comprehensive sex education. I fear you need to review the curriculums the World Health Organization proposed for comprehensive, inclusive sexual health and WHY you need to do it this way.

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We're seeing here the liberal assumption that people haven't learned, and can't learn, healthy behaviors like sexuality on their own, and they need the enlightened progressives to teach them. It's the fundamental liberal fallacy that education (driven by them of course) cures all ills. Unfortunately, the WHO sold out its credibility years ago. Anyone remember COVID?

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Get a prescription for Chlorpromazine buddy, it seems like you desperately need it.

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This article is a pathetic attempt to boost the publicity of its author, who wants all the attention he can get so he can make money and stroke his righteous rich kid ego as he tries to waste government resources in his lawsuit against the Department of Education. Please Benjamin take a moment to consider using your powers for good, thank you for your time reading this comment.

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This is a classic example of an ad hominem argument where the individual is attacked, and the idea at issue is ignored.

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If the "critique" purposely mischaracterizes the article in question, then attacking the author for it's mischaracterion is a perfectly responsible response. You don't argue logic with someone who didn't use logic to reach their conclusions.

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Hello, if you would kindly give me your mother's phone number, I'd like to use the information in the article you're critiquing to provide your Mother with a child who has a brain.

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